İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte arama yapmak için ise tıklayabilirsiniz.
A bovine mammal native of the high plains of Central Asia.
Its neck, the outer side of its legs, and its flanks, are covered with long, flowing, fine hair.
Its tail is long and bushy, often white, and is valued as an ornament and for other purposes in India and China.
There are several domesticated varieties, some of which lack the mane and the long hair on the flanks.
Called also chauri gua, grunting cow, grunting ox, sarlac, sarlik, and sarluc. large long-haired wild ox of Tibet often domesticated noisy talk.
noisy talk. large long-haired wild ox of Tibet often domesticated.
collar. collaret. collarette. dickey. dicky. flange. neck.
collar. flange. neck. side. bank. shore. edge.
collar. side. cape. flange. ring. neck. hillside. outskirt. breasting. leech. crimp. front. rim. ridge. ruft. sea shore. shrouding. bank. neckband.
catch. grasp. seizure.
apprehension. arrest. catching. capturing. seizing.
bag. catch. catch hold of. catch up on. claw hold of. clutch. collar. cop. embrace. entrap. grab. grapple. grasp. grip. get hold of. hook. intercept. nab. nail. nobble. overtake. pinch. pull up to. seize. seize on. snap up. snatch. tackle. take. take.
capture. catch. collar. grab. grasp. grip. nab. seize. stalk. tackle. to catch. to collar. to grip. to grasp. to seize. to nail. to nab. to bag. to arrest. to run sb in. to stop. get hold of.
capture. trap. to catch. to apprehend. to arrest. to capture. to collar. to grab. to grapple. to grasp. to seize. to get hold of. claw. clutch. cop. corral. ensnare. entrap. get. grip. hitch. lay fast. lay hand on. nab. take.
catch an infection. attack. attaint. catch. incur. become infected. smite. be smitten with. be taken with.
incur. to be caught. to be arrested. to contract. to go down with sth. to catch.
to be / to get caught. to be collared. to be seized. to be spotted. to be held responsible. to catch.
to beg. to impose. to entreat. to beseech.
bitten. anflehen.
prayer. begging. entreaty.
approach. imminence.
approach. approaching. approximation. coming.
approach. come close to. approximate. bear down on. close. come near. come on. come up. converge. draw. draw close. draw near. draw on. go on for. get hotter. near. step up. verge. walk up. walk up to. get warmer.
approach. near.
to go near. to come near. to approach. to near. to draw near.
to approximate. to bring near.
zoom in. to draw one thing near another. to approximate sth to. close up. neighbour.
approximate. approximative. proximate. rough. some. about. circa. just about. well-nigh.
about. approximate. around. circa. round. some.
approximate. approximately.
approximately. roughly.
about. almost. more or less. near. something like.
cauterization. cautery. firing. incineration. lighting. sting.
lighting. burning.
burning. ignition. lighting. kindling. switching on. firing. burning up. firing up. combustion. cremation. calcination. carbonization. cauterization. flash.
bite. burn. cauterize. fire. flash. ignite. incinerate. kindle. light. light up. turn on. scathe. scorch. sear. set on fire.
burn. consume. fire. incinerate. kindle. sear. sting. strike. to burn. to fire. to set on fire. to scorch. to singe. to inflame. to turn on. to strike. to blow. to blow sth out. to sting. to ruin. to shoot. to kill. to hurt. to cauterize. to consume. scorch. singe. to light. turn on. can yakmak - to hurt.
to light. to ignite. to set fire to. to set sth on fire. to scorch. to sear. to burn. to switch on. to put on. to turn on. to inflame sb with love. to shoot sb with a gun. to fire. to roast. to kindle. to incinerate. to heat. to illumina.
ruby. oriental ruby. true ruby. vermeil.
The Turkish language of the Yakuts, a Mongolian people of northeastern Siberia, which is lingua franca over much of eastern Siberia. the Turkic language spoken by the Yakut people a member of a Turkic people of northeastern Siberia.
ruby. yakut. of the Yakuts.
a member of a Turkic people of northeastern Siberia. the Turkic language spoken by the Yakut people.
blister. cataplasm. plaster.
plaster. blister. cautery. adhesive / sticking plaster. plastering.
bitter. burning. caustic. parching. piquant. poignant. scorching. torrid. burner.
burning. caustic. torrid. smarting. biting. biting.
mordant. sth which produces a burning effect. caustic (agent. burner. igniter. tarry. incendiary. pyrotic. lighter. acrid. pungent. caustic. hot. poignant. scorching. torrid. vitriolic.
adjacent. akin. akin to. approximate. close. close-rage. connate. connected. contiguous. convenient. familiar. handy. immediate. imminent. inseparable. intimate. near. not far. pending. proximate. within reach. by. close. close to. at hand. hard. har.
akin. analogous. bosom. convenient. handy. imminent. near. parallel. pleasant.
nearby. near to. close to. close-by. who is close to sb. very similar to. akin. close. round the corner. handy. hot. immediate. imminent. locally. near. neighbouring. nigh.
close. closely. nearly.
close. closely.
hotly. intimate. at close range. shortly.
adjacency. affinity. approximation. closeness. connection. connexion. contiguity. familiarity. immediacy. imminence. intimacy. kinship. nearness. propinquity. proximity. relationship. terms.
affinity. familiarity. immediacy. imminence. proximity. nearness. closeness. friendliness.
closeness. proximity. nearness. warmth. rapport. sympathy. good feeling. immediacy. nearest. propinquity. vicinity.
complaining. beefs. jeremiad.
to complain about. beef. complain. cry out. fuss. grouch. moan. to laugh on the wrong side of one's mouth. nark. repine.
by. round.
about. by. near.
by. close. at one's elbow. at hand. in close vicinity.
combustible. fuel.
fuel (for heating. fuel oil. combustible. dead weight tonnage. fuel. tons deadweight.
assort. become. befit. behoove. behove. comport. fit. go together. pertain. suit.
become. suit.
to be suitable. to be proper. to befit. to look good on or in suit. become. beseem.
fit. tailor.
to make something suitable. to think something is becoming. to make go with. to think becoming to. to ascribe. to impute. to expect of.
to make sth look good on or in. to make sth go with. to regard sth as suitable for sb. to take a fact and make up a story to suit it. to embroider. quiet.
comely. good-looking. handsome. personable. shapely. sightly. smart. well-favored. well-favoured. stunner.
handsome. personable. smart.
handsome. good-looking. easy on the eye. good looking. snazzy.
improper. unbecoming. unseemly. unsuitable. rude. ill assorted. in bad form. incorrect. indecent. infra dig. uncalled for.
firing. fuel.
fuel for heating. combustible. propellant. combustion material.
to have sb catch / collar sb. to have sb seize sth.
collared. sth which has a collar.
cloth suitablefor a collar. removable collar of a shirt.
suitable for making collars.
phosphorescence in the sea. phosphorescence.
phosphorescence in the sea.
A large Asiatic antelope native of the higher parts of the Himalayas and other lofty mountains.
Its head and neck resemble those of the ox, and its tail is like that of the goat.
Called also budorcas.
keep off.
approximate value.
to be approached.
approach. touch.
approach. rapprochement.
to be burned / kindled / lit / switched on.
near relation / relative. near relation / relatives.
near friend.
nearby. hard by. ere long. fast by. at hand. incidentally. near. shortly. soon. round.
anon. hereabouts. locally. near. nearby. presently. shortly. soon. near by. in the near future. recently.
by and by. near.
around. lately. locally. newly. near. recently.
lately. latterly. newly. recently.
affiliate. be drawn to smb. knit up. near.
approach. approximate. thaw.
to become close (to. to become near (to. to become close to. to become a friend of sb.
convergent. convex.
to converge.
fuel tank. fuel storage. fuel / gas / petrol tank. fueloil depot.
fuel indicator.
making sth look good on or go with. regarding sth as suitable for sb.
False. fabricated. embroidered.
used in.
unsuitability. impropriety. rudeness.
Alışveriş Sepetiniz