İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte arama yapmak için ise tıklayabilirsiniz.
collar. collaret. collarette. dickey. dicky. flange. neck.
collar. flange. neck. side. bank. shore. edge.
collar. side. cape. flange. ring. neck. hillside. outskirt. breasting. leech. crimp. front. rim. ridge. ruft. sea shore. shrouding. bank. neckband.
catch. grasp. seizure.
apprehension. arrest. catching. capturing. seizing.
bag. catch. catch hold of. catch up on. claw hold of. clutch. collar. cop. embrace. entrap. grab. grapple. grasp. grip. get hold of. hook. intercept. nab. nail. nobble. overtake. pinch. pull up to. seize. seize on. snap up. snatch. tackle. take. take.
capture. catch. collar. grab. grasp. grip. nab. seize. stalk. tackle. to catch. to collar. to grip. to grasp. to seize. to nail. to nab. to bag. to arrest. to run sb in. to stop. get hold of.
capture. trap. to catch. to apprehend. to arrest. to capture. to collar. to grab. to grapple. to grasp. to seize. to get hold of. claw. clutch. cop. corral. ensnare. entrap. get. grip. hitch. lay fast. lay hand on. nab. take.
catch an infection. attack. attaint. catch. incur. become infected. smite. be smitten with. be taken with.
incur. to be caught. to be arrested. to contract. to go down with sth. to catch.
to be / to get caught. to be collared. to be seized. to be spotted. to be held responsible. to catch.
to beg. to impose. to entreat. to beseech.
bitten. anflehen.
prayer. begging. entreaty.
firing. fuel.
fuel for heating. combustible. propellant. combustion material.
to have sb catch / collar sb. to have sb seize sth.
collared. sth which has a collar.
cloth suitablefor a collar. removable collar of a shirt.
suitable for making collars.
phosphorescence in the sea. phosphorescence.
phosphorescence in the sea.
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