İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte arama yapmak için ise tıklayabilirsiniz.
clover. shamrock. trefoil. trifolium.
chip. cutting. excelsior. rasping. shiver. spall. parings.
chip. shaving. chipping. paring. splinter.
chip. shavings.
chip. chisel. whittle. to cut. chip into shape. to dress by sutting. to sharpen. to exploit. sap. milk. to chip. to sharpen. to dress. to squeeze out of.
chip. chisel. cut. hack. hew. pare. sculpture. sharpen.
directional. aspect. channel. complexion. course. direction. facet. sense. trend. way. bearings.
course. direction. respect. rubric. sense. side. way. quarter. regard. relation. aspect.
orientation. tropism doğrulum. tropizm. intention. tendency.
gravitation. turn. going towards. tending. inclining.
bear. bend. face. front. head. head for. slant. steer for. tend. wend one's way. trend.
gravitate. tend.
bear. front. run. shepherd. tend. trend.
aim. destine. direct. impel. level. orient. orientate. start. turn.
bend. channel. direct. project. turn. to direct. to point. to turn. to level sth. to channel. to orientate.
head. orient. point. seek. shepherd. superintend. turn.
directive. instruction. prescription.
direction. directive. instruction. instruction talimat. direktif.
guideline. instruction. directive. instructions. policies. precept. prescript. rules of action. regulatory statute. terms of reference. working guides.
administrator. boss. controller. director. executive. governor. head. headman. intendant. manager. overseer. ruler. supervisor.
administrator. chairman. director. executive. governor. helm. helmsman. manager. master. principal. ruler. superintendent. administration.
administrator. manager. corporate fiduciary. director. governer. dominant leader. manciple. officer. administrative officer. ministerial officer. overseer. ruler. superintendent.
chairmanship. administration. management.
directorship. managership. superintendence. superintendency.
executive. admin. administration. conduct. direction. governance. government. helm. management. rudder. ruling. steering.
administration. command. control. direction. disposal. government. hand. management. regime. rule. control idare. manegement.
administration. management. direction. government. oversight. regimen. rule. running. stewardship. superintendency. trusteeship.
administrative. managerial. administrative idari.
executive. managerial.
conduct. government.
conduct. direction. government. husbanding. managing.
administer. administrate. boss. captain. chair. command. conduct. direct. edit. govern. head. lead. oversee. police. preside. rule. run. run the show. steer. supervise.
administer. boss. captain. chair. command. conduct. direct. govern. handle. head. lead. manage. preside. rule. steer. superintend. to administer. to direct. to manage. to run. to rule. to govern. to preside. to chair. to conduct. to command.
administer. administrate. captain. command. conduct. to be in control of sth. direct. govern. head. lead. manage. rein. rule. run. steer.
code. regulations. guide. standing orders. ordinance. precept. rule. standing rule.
bylaw. ordinance. governing statue. book of instructions. drill book. regulations.
public act. corporation bylaws. guide. regulation. regulations. implementing regulation.
director. manager. producer.
manager. administrator. director.
cast. deal. form. gateway. how. line. method. modality. mode. modus. order. practice. procedure. proceeding. process. rite. system. tack. technic. technique. way. the way. wise. technics.
cast. deal. form. gateway. how. line. method. modality. mode. modus. order. practice. procedure. proceeding. process. rite. system. tack. technic. technique. way. the way. wise. technics. approach. art. course. means. principle. rule.
method. methodology. form. process. proprieties. technique. wrinkle.
eclectic / adj , n / (.
intended. intended for.
directed. aimed at. devoted to.
executive summary.
to be administered.
control board.
board. management.
administrative board.
administrative. managerial.
operating research. operations research. operational research.
guidance. inducement. orientation. processing.
orientation. collimation.
canalize. conduct. direct. divert. guide. head. incline. lead. orient. orientate. parlay. process. prompt. shape. shoo. stage. steer. sway.
channel. drive. govern. incline. orient. orientate. shape. to guide. to orientate. to channel.
orientation. direct.
directional. oriented.
hew out.
carving. trim.
sculpture. statue. statute heykel.
sculpture. statue.
Alışveriş Sepetiniz