İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte arama yapmak için ise tıklayabilirsiniz.
authority. authorization. command. competence. competency. faculty. fiat. power. sword. vis. warrant. warranty.
command. commission. competence. right. warrant. authority. power.
benefit. authorization. clearance. attribution. authority. cognition. command. competence. conusance. delegacy. hand. imperium. jurisdiction. mandat. power. prerogative. qualification. terms of reference.
province. vires.
accredit. authorize. depute. empower. entitle. licence.
to delegate authority. capacitate. chair. clothe with powers. commission. delegate. delegate power. empower. entitle. invest. vest sb with authority. warrant. to confer powers.
authorize. to authorize.
authoritative. authorized. commissioned. competent. entitled to. ex cathedra. executive. powerful. qualified.
authoritative. authority. competent. qualified. authorized.
authorized. authorized. able. accredited. authoritative. commissional. commissioned. competent. empowered. entitled. entitlement. magisterial. powerful. vested with powers.
incompetent. unauthorized. unjustified.
without authority. not entitled. unauthorized.
proof of authority. certificate of authority / competency.
devolution of authority. devolution of power. hand over of power.
authorization. empowerment.
competent authority.
perfect. perfect mükemmel.
perfection. perfection mükemmeliyet.
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