İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte arama yapmak için ise tıklayabilirsiniz.
aestival. summer. summer. summertime.
aestival. summer. summertime.
summer. summertime.
author. composer. contributor. man of letters. novelist. penman. writer.
author. composer. contributor. man of letters. novelist. penman. writer. contemporary. pen.
author. writer. entourage. penman. quill driver.
pen. writing. authorship.
being a writer or author. authorship.
indite. reduce to writing. register.
dictate. to dictate. to cause to write.
print. to have sb write sth.
destiny. doom. fate. lot. predestination. lot alınyazısı. kader. mukadderat.
destiny. fate. ordinance.
summerlike. summerly. summery. seaside resort. summer resort. seaside place. summerhouse.
suitable for the summer. summer clothing. summer house rent. summer villa. summer cottage. summer residence. summer clothes. summer dress. summer suit. summery. summer. used in summer.
clock up. commit to paper. compose. conceive. write down. draw. draw up. enroll. enter. grind out. indite. inscribe. note. note down. pen. put down. put on paper. record. reduce to writing. register. set. set down. take down. write. write out.
compose. contribute. enter. inscribe. pen. put. record. write.
burn-in. type. write. print. register. to write. to enroll. to register. to enlist. to sign sb on. to write articles for. to write for (a newspaper. cover. indite. inscribe. make out. make up. mark. matriculate. put down. record. set down. take down.
clerk. secretary.
clerical. scriptural. writing. article. contribution. inscription. lettering. scripture. writing.
article. contribution. paper. tail. writing.
article. writing. scripture. handwriting. calligraphy. fate. destiny. contribution. face. inscription.
writing table. writing desk / table.
recording. clerk. printer. scribe. scrivener.
printer. scribe. secretary. soldier who does the typing. screenwriter. scriptwriter. recording. professional writer. clerk.
printer. scribe. copyist. transcriber. clerk secretary. penny-a-liner. recorder. sign writer. pattern designer. sign painter. timer.
bureau. office. office desk. study.
pity. shame.
shame. a pity. a shame. what a pity!. what a shame!. pity. alas!.
pity. shame. so much the worse.
being written. enrolment.
be down for. enrol. be enroled. enroll. be enrolled. enter. go down. register. sign up.
to be written be registered. to be written. to be enrolled. to enrol. to enroll.
to be written. to be enrolled in. to be registered in. to be enlisted in. to be signed on. enrol l oneself. matriculate. to enter one's name for the term.
program. programme. software.
spelling. method of writing spelling.
being written. the way sth in written. enrolment.
orthographic. orthographical. orthography. spelling.
orthography. spelling.
spelling. act of writing. orthography.
epigraph. inscription. legend. scripture. tablet.
inscription. tablet. inscription kitabe.
inscription. epitaph. tablet.
correspondence. correspondence muhabere.
correspondence. exchange of letters.
summer and winter alike.
summer school.
day light saving time. daylight saving time. summer / dinner time.
cash register.
fatalist. fatalistic.
lettering. write-down.
manuscript. writing. hand-painted kerchief. handwritten. hand-painted.
writing. act of writing. handwritten manuscript. cloth that has been painted or printed by hand. handwritten. narration.
literary language.
literary life.
editorial staff.
editorial board. editorial staff.
writing utensil.
heads or tails.
to ruin. to spoil sth.
to run to waste.
inscribed. inscriptive. written. in writing. written examination.
written. registered. decreed by fate. destined. test. examination. written examination/exam. inscribed. nominal. fated.
written. contract in writing. enrolled in. registered in. written examination.
statute law. statute / written law.
software package.
soft ware package.
software system.
slip in spelling.
in the summer. in summer. literature. letters.
literature. in summer. literature edebiyat.
literature. in summer. during summer. in the summertime. belles lettres. letters.
literary. literary edebi.
to correspond. to write to each other.
to correspond. to write to each other. to be in correspondence. to hold a correspondence. exchange letters.
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