İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte arama yapmak için ise tıklayabilirsiniz.
bed. berth. den. doss. flop. haunt. hotbed. kip. mattress. recess. sack. bearings.
bed. bedding. berth. bunk. den. sack. couch. lair. anchorage. riverbed. stratum. ore bed. deposit. bearing. den. mattress. bearing.
bedstead. course. channel. seam. vein. lode. placer. den. lair. bearing. receiver of stolen goods. bearing lining. bush. bushing. dump. friction / journal / guide / sliding / thrust bearing. plateau. bank.
bedchamber. bedroom.
bed clothing.
bedclothes. bedding.
bedroom suite or set of bedsheets and pillowcases (for one b.
dorm. dormitory.
dormitory. dorm.
bedridden. housebound. confined to bed.
permanently bedridden. bed ridden. confined to bed. confined. invalid. laid up. sick- abed.
flat. horizontal. level. supine.
even. horizontal. horizontal ufki.
horizontal. landscape.
bent. inclined. prone. recipient.
apt. capable. inclined. laid down. deteriorated. stale. trained. skilled. leaning to one side. apt.
sb who is inclined to. susceptible to. predisposed to. sth which is leaning to one side. which is listing.
aptness. bent. familiarity. predisposition. proclivity.
familiarity. habit. aptness. inclination. predisposition.
aptitude. knack. bent. susceptibility. predisposition.
stay up.
going to bed. leaning to one side. accomodations. board and lodging. inclination. rest.
hit the hay. hit the sack. bang. go to bed. couch. be couched. incline. kip. kip down. lay. lay oneself down. lie. lie down. lie up. recline. repose. repose oneself. rest. have a screw. go to sleep. sleep with. turn in.
lie. recline. to go to bed. to turn in. to be in bed. to lie. to lie down. to recline. to lie at anchor. to be imprisoned. to stay in prison. to become flat. to go by the board. to lie on. to have sex. to bed. to sleep together. to sleep with sb. to be buried.
to go to bed. to be lying down. to enter into hospital. to lie. to lie flat. to lean to one side. fated not to occur. to have sexual intercourse. to have sex. incline. lay along. lie along. lie down. repose. turn in.
bed. put to bed. credit. deposit. embark. fund. incline. instate. invest. lay down. lay low. pay into. put to sleep. repose. repose on. shelter. subscribe.
lay. sink. stake.
to put to bed. to invest. to accomodate. to put sb in hospital. to cause sb to lie down. to lay sb / sth flat. to cause sth to lean to one side. to deposit. to lay down. to lower. to recline. to steep. to slant. to repose. to remit. place. to sway.
capital goods. hedge. investment.
enterprise. investment. deposit. investment plasman. envestisman.
bank. banking.
come off the boil. calm down. cool. cool down. quiet. quiet down. resettle. settle. simmer down. still. subside.
rage. settle. subside. to calm down. to become quiet. to die down. to subside. to still. to simmer down. to cool down.
to die down. to subside. to calm down. compose oneself. pass off. quench. settle down. simmer down. soften.
appeasement. conciliation. placation. sedation.
abate. allay. alleviate. appease. assuage. attemper. becalm. calm. comfort. compose. conciliate. defuse. disarm. ease. hush. lull. mitigate. moderate. mollify. pacify. placate. propitiate. quell. quiet. quieten. remit. salve. sedate. settle. smooth d.
allay. appease. compose. disarm. ease. lay. mollify. pacify. quench. relieve. salve. sedate. settle. soothe. steady. still. subdue. tranquillize. to calm. to quieten. to tranquillize. to sedate. to mollify. to allay. to relieve. to appease. to ease. to alleviate. to soothe. to assuage. to placate. to pacify. tranquilize.
to calm. to soothe. to mollify. assuage. allay. alleviate. appease. becalm. comfort. conciliate. cool. disarm. moderate. pacify. palliate. placate. propitiate. smooth. soften. steady. still.
barbiturate. placatory. sedative. tranquillizer. calming. soothing.
tranquilizing. calming. soothing. appeaser. disarming. downer. sedative. tranquillizer.
bed sheet.
large harbo r.
bed covering.
bedclothes. bedspread. boarder.
furnished with a bed. having beds. deep-channeled. with a bed. having. beds.
furnished with a bed / beds. sleeping car. sleeper. sleeping carriage.
pullman car. sleeping car. sleeper. wagon-lit. sleeping carriage. compartment car. sleeping compartment.
receiving and concealing. bedstead. harbouring. harboring.
bedstead. confinement to the bed.
to receive and conceal (stolen goods.
to be confined to bed. to be a prisoner to one's bed.
yachtsman yachtswoman.
yachting. yachtsmanship.
aslope. decumbent. leaning. tilting.
cockeyed. oblique. flat. leaning to one side. sloping.
sth which is lying prone or flat. horizontal. lieing. plane. level. lateral. low. slant. slanting. sloping. pitching. inclined. listing. leaning. barwise. bent.
boarding. boarder. boarding. boarder. boarding student.
boarder. boarding. residential.
place where a saint is buried. saint. entombed saint.
place where a holy man is buried.
put. tip.
investing. placing.
to be put to bed. to be invested.
investment bank.
financier. investor.
Alışveriş Sepetiniz