İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte arama yapmak için ise tıklayabilirsiniz.
under a ban. forbidden. illicit. impermissible. no. proscriptive. restricted. taboo. ban. don't. interdict. prohibition. restriction. tabu.
forbidden. illicit. prohibition. taboo. ban. prohibited. interdict.
ban. under a ban. forbidden. impermissible. inhibition. interdict. interdiction. no go. prohibited. prohibition. taboo. ultra vires.
embargo. interdict. interdiction. prohibition. proscription.
ban. crackdown. prohibition. prohibiting.
banning. forbidding. prohibiting.
put one's foot down. put under a ban. put the lid on smth. ban. put a ban on. bar. call off. debar. embargo. enjoin. forbid. imprison. inhibit. interdict. clamp the lid on smth. outlaw. prohibit. proscribe. taboo. put under a taboo. tabu.
bar. forbid. prohibit. proscribe. to prohibit. to forbid. to ban. to inhibit. to proscribe. to prohobit. to deprive of.
to forbid. to prohibit. to ban. to interdict.
prohibitive. prohibitory. inhibitory.
prohibitive. prohibitory. forbidding. prohibiting. banning. interdicting.
prohibition era.
restricted area. forbidden zone. prohibited zone / area.
to forbid. to interdict. to prohibit.
to be forbidden. to be prohibited. to be banned. to be interdicted.
prohibited. forbidden.
Alışveriş Sepetiniz