İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte arama yapmak için ise tıklayabilirsiniz.
aid. assist. assistance. backing. backup. booster. comfort. contribution. cooperation. dole. donation. donative. favor. favour. furtherance. hand. help. helpfulness. lift. relief. rescue. shot. stand-by. succor. succour. support. sustenance. welfare.
aid. assistance. auspices. backing. benefaction. boost. comfort. contribution. cooperate. favour. guidance. hand. help. ministration. push. recourse. relief. service. succour. support.
aid. assistance. help. backing. hand. patronage. relief. helping hand. support. sustanence. aid and comfort. aiding. backing up. benevolence. benevolent contribution. cooperation. easer. favour. furtherance. good offices / international law. helping. lift.
abet. aid. assist. befriend. carry. cheer. facilitate. help. second.
to aid. to assist. to help. to relieve. to second. to succour. to support. to give / to render assistance. to lend assistance. befriend. further. to lend a hand. pull for. serve. service. weigh in.
accessary. accessory. ancillary. assistant. auxiliary. band-aid. collateral. contributory. cooperative. deputy. donkey. helpful. obliging. stand-by. sub. subsidiary. suffragan. supporting. accessary. accessory. acolyte. adjunct. aid. aide. assistant.
accommodating. aid. aide. ancillary. assistant. attendant. attentive. auxiliary. buttress. collateral. companion. constructive. cooperative. help. helpful. second. subsidiary. useful. helper. associate. deputy.
ancillary. collateral. auxiliary. adjunct. deputy. helper. mate. subsidiary. vice. asistant to. aid. abettor. acolyte. adjutant. associate. clerk. nurse. servant. team-mate. assistant. attached. auxiliary advertising. backer. coadjudant. contributing. con.
benevolent. caring. charitable. friendly. gracious. helpful. humanitarian. kind. kindly. obliging. public-spirited. well-disposed. humanist.
accommodating. benefactor. benevolent. charitable. chivalrous. cooperative. forthcoming. friendly. good. humanitarian. subscriber.
person who likes to help others. benevolent. charitable. chivalrous. helpful. subscriber to charity.
benevolence. charity.
provident fund. relief fund.
auxiliary verb.
supporting actor.
mutual aid. helping one another. solidarity.
to help one another. to help each other.
to aid each other. to aid one another.
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