İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte arama yapmak için ise tıklayabilirsiniz.
account. avail. benefit. convenience. efficacy. gain. grist to the mill. stead. use. utility.
advantage. avail. benefit. expediency. gain. interest. point. profit. service. use. utility. useful. serviceable.
advantage. benefit. profit. behoof. efficacy. gain. service. serviceableness. utility.
put account. turn to account. take advantage of. avail oneself of smth. benefit. capitalize. enjoy. impose. parlay. pass over. pass up. practice on. practice upon. practise on. practise upon. profit. profit by. refer. rejoice in. use. make use of. u.
avail. enjoy. harness. utilize. to make use of. to utilize. to benefit. to take advantage of. to cash in. to capitalize on sth. to avail oneself of. to draw on/upon sth.
to draw benefit from. to benefit from. to profit from. to make good use of. to utilize. benefit. draw upon. exploit. profit. pull a fast one. take advantage of. turn. turn to account.
advantageous. beneficial. benign. benignant. efficacious. good. handy. healthful. healthy. helpful. profitable. salubrious. salutary. sanative. sanatory. subservient. of use. useful. wholesome.
advantageous. asset. constructive. efficacious. expedient. helpful. nutritious. positive. profitable. remunerative. serviceable. useful. beneficial. profitable faydalı.
beneficial. serviceable. useful. worthwile. advantageous. effectual. expedient. functional. practicable. profitable. suitable. efficacious. good. healthful. helpful. instrumental. lucrative.
to make oneself useful. pay. to stand sb in good stead.
utility. service. usefulness. efficacy. efficiency. functionality. practicability. use. degree of utility.
bootless. footless. inexpedient. invalid. otiose. pointless. profitless. unobliging. unserviceable. useless. no good. of no avail. gainless. it's no use.
barren. hopeless. idle. pointless. useless. vain. unprofitable. pointless faydasız. nafile.
ineffective. unserviceable. useless. of no use. functionless. futile. idle. incapacitated. ineffectual. inefficacious. inefficient. inept. inutile. needless.
turning to account.
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