İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte arama yapmak için ise tıklayabilirsiniz.
adipose. fat. grease. oil. slush.
adipose. fat. grease. oil. slush. shortening.
fat. grease. oil. tallow. suet. butter. margarine. oleo. oil. shortening. lubricant.
buttery. greasy. gushing. gushy. obsequious. oily. oleaginous. reptilian. silky. sleek. soapy. toady. apple polisher. crawler. deadhead. flatterer. greaser. lickspittle. loader. reptilian. slime. suck. sucker.
creep. lackey. oily. smarmy. sycophant. apple polisher. back-scratcher. toady. flatterer. scyhophant.
lubricator. oiler. seller of oil. butter etc. renderer of oil. lard etc. person who lubricate things. greaser. flatterer. crawler. flunkey. oilman. oily. soapy. sycophant. trimmer.
blandishment. blarney. butter. claptrap. greasiness. insinuation. obsequiousness. oiliness. soapiness. sycophancy. taffy. toadeating. toadyism.
being a dealer of oil. butter. being a renderer of oil. lard. being a lubricator. lubrication. flattery. buttering people up. blandishment. blarney. claptrap. fair words.
grease cup. lubricator. nipple. oilcan. oilcup. stuffing box.
oilcan. grease box. grease cup. lubricator. oil can. oil feeder. oiler.
lubricator. oilcan. lubricating box. grease box. grease nipple / cup / fitting. oil can / box / cup / feeler. nipple. oiler. grease cup.
hail down. flood. hail. heap up. hurl. pelt. pour. pour forth. pour out. rain. shower. volley. volley forth. volley out.
lubrication. oiling. greasing. flattery.
flattery. lubrication. greasing. oiling. oil / grease lubrication. back handed compliment. flattering.
anoint. baste. grease. incense. lubricate. oil.
crawl. flatter. grease. lubricate. oil. to oil. to butter. to grease. to flatter. to lubricate. to butter sb up.
to lubricate. to oil. to grease. to flatter. to butter up.
greasy. oily.
fat. fatty. greasy. oily. oleaginous. rich.
booty. despoilment. despoliation. foray. loot. looting. pelf. pillage. plunder. pour. rapine. razzia. sack. sacking. spoil. spoliation. swag.
booty. foray. loot. pillage. plunder. sack. depredation. plundering. pillaging. raining. snowing. the sack. pillage çapul. talan.
raining. snowing. looting. plundering. sacking. pillaging. pilfering. depredation. despoliation. dissemination. latrocination. loot. pillage. plunder. raid. spoil. swag.
to loot. to plunder. to sack. to pillage. to pilfer. despoil. harry. pluck. raid. ransack. ravage. rob. to put to sack.
plunderer. looter. sacker. pillager.
looting. plundering. sacking. pillaging.
hail down. fall. hail. pour. rain. roll in. splash. splatter.
fall. shower. to rain. to be poured out in great quantity. to rain. to snow. to rain down on. to be poured out in abundance.
to rain. to fall abundantly.
despoil. forage. foray. harry. loot. maraud. pillage. pirate. pluck. plunder. prey on. prey upon. raven. reave. sack. put to the sack. spoliate. sweep down on.
loot. pillage. plunder. ransack. ravage. sack. to loot. to plunder. to sack. to pillage. to ravage. to ransack.
to loot. to plunder. to sack. to pillage. to pilfer.
pluvial. pluvious. barrage. waterworks. deluge. hail. rain. hailstorm.
rain. stream. wet.
rain. rainfall. waterworks. the wet.
pluvial. pluvious. rainy. showery. soppy. wet.
rainy. wet.
anorak. macintosh. mackintosh. raincoat. rainproof. slicker. trench coat. waterproof.
mac. mack. mackintosh. raincoat. trench coat.
oilskin. raincoat. slinker. rainproof.
fat free.
lacking oil. fat. grease or butter. oilless. greaseless. butterless. lean. fatless.
lack of oil / fat / grease / butter. leanness.
swarthy. black. very dark. black. dark.
swarthy. dark. swarty.
precipitation. rainfall.
precipitation. fall. falling. rain.
fat cell.
to flatter. to butter up. to lay it on. scratch sb's back.
place where oil is made. rendering plant.
to be oiled / lubricated / greased. to get oily / greasy. to get fat.
to have sth oiled / lubricated / greased.
grease monkey.
lubricant. lubricating. greasing. greaser.
lubricant. lubricator. lubricating device. grease gun. grease cup. lubricative. lubricatory. oiler.
oil color.
greased wrestling. oil wrestling.
rich employer.
a wrapping paper resistant to oil or grease.
gas coal.
rich customer.
large napkin or handkerchief.
direption. sacking.
to be looted. to be plundered. to be sacked. to be pillaged.
rain cloud.
prayer for rain. ritual prayer for rain.
rainy season. the rains.
watering by sprinkling them with water.
to turn into rain. to get rainy. to water by sprinkling them with water.
rainy. wet.
rainy. showery. snowy.
rainy. marked by rainfall or snowfall. showery.
pluviometer. rain gauge.
deficient in rain.
deficiency of rain.
Alışveriş Sepetiniz