İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte arama yapmak için ise tıklayabilirsiniz.
to yield. to give in. to submit. back down. to throw in the towel.
A Spanish silver coin, and money of account, equal to about nineteen cents, and divided into 100 centesimos. formerly the basic unit of money in Spain; equal to 100 centimos.
vulgar. squalid.
the back. the rear.
lump. paid in advance. ready. in advance. first. cash. ready. beforehand. before. earlier önceden.
paid cash. in advance. before. earlier. in the first place. down payment. spot cash. cash in advance. ready cod.
chase. to tread upon sb's heels. heel. hunt. pursue. tread on sb's heels.
prelude. overture.
waist cloth.
bass. soft. grave. low. deep.
low. soft. soft. low-pitched.
The distal segment of the hind limb of vertebrates, including the tarsus and foot.
soft. low. low pitched.
Public Expenditure Survey.
Packetized Elementary Stream: In MPEG-2, after the media stream has been digitized and compressed, it is formatted into packets before it is multiplexed into either a Program Stream or Transport Stream.
Promotion Eligibility Status.
Personal Earth Station.
Public Employment Service.
Pharmaceutical Evaluation Section.
Polyethersulphone. foot. the foot of a human being; 'his bare feet projected from his trousers'; 'armored from head to foot'.
pessimist kötümser. karamsar.
pessimist(in ).
A Spanish dollar; also, an Argentine, Chilian, Colombian, etc., coin, equal to from 75 cents to a dollar; also, a pound weight.
monetary unit used within New Spain, though of different varieties.
Balancing point of a sword. A silver coin, the principal unit of money in the colonies, weighing about 27 grams.
The monetary unit of Argentina, Chile, Columbia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Republic of the Philippines and Uruguay. the basic unit of money in Uruguay; equal to 100 centesimos. the basic unit of money in the Philippines; equal to 100 centavos. the basic unit of money in Mexico; equal to 100 centavos. the basic unit of money in Guinea-Bissau; equal to 100 centavos. the basic unit of money in the Dominican Republic; equal to 100 centavos. the basic unit of money in Cuba; equal to 100 centavos. the basic unit of money in Colombia; equal to 100 centavos. the basic unit of money in Chile; equal to 100 centesimos.
A fatal epidemic disease; a pestilence; specif., the plague.
Anything which resembles a pest; one who, or that which, is troublesome, noxious, mischievous, or destructive; a nuisance. a persistently annoying person.
a persistently annoying person.
An animal or plant that is directly or indirectly detrimental to human interests, causing harm or reducing the quality and value of a harvestable crop or other resource Weeds, termites, rats, and mildew are examples of pests. any forest health agent designated as detrimental to effective resource management.
The term 'pest' is broad, encompassing a broad spectrum of animals and insects that cause damage to the garden and its plants Every pest --from deer to nematodes-- causes its own set of problems and has its own set of potential controls Before deciding on poisons, though, for control, consider how much damage the pest is really doing A small amount of nibbling is generally acceptable and won't really affect overall harvest or plant health See also: insecticide.
An organism that directly or indirectly interferes with human activities causing annoyance, economic damage, or health problems.
Any form of plant or animal life, or any pathogenic agent, injurious or potentially injurious to plants or plant products A Quarantine Pest is a pest of potential national economic importance to a country where the pest is not present, or where the pest is present but not widely distributed and is being actively controlled The quarantine pests referred to in the certifying statement on the FPC are those pests listed by foreign countries as being prohibited noxious organisms. any species, strain or biotype of plant, animal or pathogenic agent injurious to plants or other organisms and/or their products [JVG].
An organism capable of causing material damage Forest pests include insects and diseases.
Any organism that is out of place or causes stress to a desired organism.
An insect, rodent, nematode, fungus, weed or other form of terrestrial or aquatic plant or animal life that is injurious to health or the environment.
Any forest health agent designated as detrimental to effective resource management.
Any species that is considered obnoxious.
Any organism that reduces the availability, quality, or value of a useful resource.
Any organism that interferes with human health, convenience, comfort, or profit.
Anything causing damage or destruction. A destructive insect or small animal.
Political, Economic, Strategic, Technology Sometimes refered to as 'SLEPT' which means : Strategic, Legislation, Economic, Political, Technology.
fruit paste. dried layers of fruit pulp.
thin sheet of sun-dried fruit pulp.
one right after the other. one after another. after.
right behind sb.
bias. prejudice. preconception.
money bargain. spot bargain. arriving at an agreement concerning a project before the said project has a.
down payment. advance payment.
advance payment.
down payment. cash. cash on the barrelhead. cash on the nail money paid down. advanced money. deposit.
without cash payment. nothing down. without ready money.
in search of. behind.
in pursuit of. in pursuit of sb/sth.
to be after. upon one's heels.
at the outset. in advance. beforehand.
in advance. beforehand.
money paid for the goodwill of a business. goodwill.
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