İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte arama yapmak için ise tıklayabilirsiniz.
vote. ballot vote. plumper. suffrage.
vote. vote oy. ballot. opinion. view.
ballot. opinion. vote. view.
Optimum Yield. yelled to get someones attention. : a cry of astonishment, such as 'Oh, my!'. boy, coin.
poll. vote.
to pass a vote of non confidence. throw. vote.
embroidery. lace. pinking.
pinking. embroidery on the edge of a garment.
a kind of embroidery. lag. needle lace.
delayed. distraction. diversion. stall.
distraction. diversion.
put off. divert. string along. waste smb.'s time. delay. temporize. entertain. amuse. stall. stall off. embroider.
to detain sb. to put sb off with trumped-up excuses. to distract. to keep sb busy. to divert. to amuse. detain. tarry.
distraction. amusement. dalliance. procrastination.
waste time. dilly-dally. monkey around. fool around. fool about. fool. be amused. amuse oneself. dally. delay. disport oneself. footle. fribble. frivol. hang out. linger. loiter. mess around. piddle. play around. be pleased with. potter. potter about.
linger. stall. to loiter. waste time. to amuse oneself. to linger. to hang about. to dawdle.
to distract oneself. to keep oneself amused (in order to ward off boredom or sadness. to be detained. to be put off. to be distracted. to be amused. dally. dally with. dawdle. dilly dally. disport. hover. idle. linger. potter putter. stick around.
volume. capacity. bulk. quantity. amount. hollow place. cavity. hole. hollow. dimensions.
graven. carving. engraving. sculpture. glyph. intaglio.
cutting. chiselling. carving or engraving a design upon sth. hollowing sth out. carved design. the engraved design on a plate. sth which has been cut / chiseled / carved / engraved / hollowed out upon s. cavitation. gouge carving. fret work. fret. chase.
engraver. carver. chiseler.
carving. engraving.
being a carver / chiseler / engraver. the art of carving or engraving. intaglio.
tribe. clan. boy-scout troop. carve. engrave. scoop out. excavate. bore. cave. cave in. chase. chisel. cut. etch. gouge. gouge out. grave. hollow. hollow out. incise. recess. sculp. sculpt. sculpture. trace over.
bore. carve. chisel. clan. engrave. incise. put. sculpture. tribe. to engrave. to carve. to scoop out. subdivision of a tribe. phratry. boy scout troop.
to cut. to chisel. to carve. to engrave a design in sth. to hollow sth out. to cut-out. to cut-in. to abate. to chase. to cavitate. to indent. to nibble. to pit. to grave. to fret. to groove. to scoop. to hew. bore. carve out. cave. channel. engrave. exci.
frisky. mobile. moving. skittish. wonky. playing. unstable. unreliable. playful. fickle. lively. active. flirtatious. wobbly. joint. articulation.
mobile. lively. frisky. active. flickering. wavering. vacillating. irresolute. frivolous but charming. loose. joint.
performing. move. moving. playing. dancing. acting. play. showing. falsification. fluctuation. hop.
rendering. representation. playing. moving. play.
playing. gambling. dancing.
shake a leg. mess smth. about. play. move. dance. act. perform. play with. place one's bet. toy. budge. frisk. hop. interpret. jig. juggle. monkey. play around. play at. play on. play upon. playact. represent. work.
frolic. juggle. perform. play. sport. tamper. tinker. to play. to dance. to frolic. to romp. to move. to budge. to fiddle with. to toy with. to tamper with. to tinker. to be on. to perform. to act. to enact. to portray. to dally with sb/sth. to risk. to back. skip and jump about. to vibrate.
to play. to amuse oneself. to fool around. to dance. to gamble. to frisk about. to move. to bulge. to stir. to become loose. to have play in it. to play (a game. to perform (a play. to risk. to play around with. to trifle with. to fluctuate. to move back.
move. screen. to put on. to cause to move. to go out of one's head. to cause to play. to cause to dance. to move. to budge. to exhibit. to perform. to show. to dislocate. to go off one's head. to go mad. to flip.
to allow sth to be played or performed. to keep sb amused. to allow to play with (another. to go off one's rocker. to loose one's mind. to go off one's nut. dance. dandle. frisk. to lead sb up the garden path. move. waggle. wiggle.
hollow. hallow. pit. cavity. cavern. hole. alcove. bore. burrow. excavation. gouge. niche. pocket. sinus. socket.
bore. breach. burrow. cavity. fold. hole. hollow. socket. pit. pitting. hollowed out.
cavity. socket. hollow place. hole. cave. grot. slap. crater. cavitation. indentation. rabbet. scoop. pit. groove. chasm. pocket. pitter. gain. rut. gully. pigeon hole hollow. concave. bore. chute. fold. niche. recess. vein.
play. game. performance. stage play. act. acting. dance. sport. trick. canard. device. frolic. hoax. presentment. representation. wheeze.
device. dodge. game. hoax. performance. piece. play. prank. representation. ruse. sell. show. spectacle. trick. wiles. drama. dance. deception. joke.
dance. game. play. ruse. trick. theatrical presentation. folk dance. a movement designed to throw one's opponent off guard. artifice. chicane. delusion. device. dodge. drama. fetch. filmization or filmisation. frisk. hand. hoax. jape. lark. pa.
play wright.
toy. toy. plaything. putty. sport.
plaything. tool. toy. cinch. child's play. laughingstock. trifle. easy job.
easy job. duck soup. child's play. trifling matter. unimportant thing. puppet. pawn. novelties. plaything. sport. tie in. tool. toy.
playful. tricky. tricksy. sportive. frisky. prankish. player. performer. actor. play actor. trickster. gambler. hoaxer. thespian.
frisky. performer. player. playful. scorer. skittish. sportive. actor. actress. trickster. frolicsome. tricky. actor. dancer.
player. actor. actress. trickster. playful. frolicsome. tricky. deceitful. doer. megastar. performer. rookie.
acting. fun.
being a player (of a game. acting. being an actor or actress. trickery. deceitfulness. playfulness. frolicsomeness. gamesmanship.
story. tale. narrative. recital.
story. short story. narrative. tale. tragicomedy.
such. so.
accordingly. precisely. so. such. too.
so. thus. in that manner. precisely. such.
voting right. qualification to vote.
ballot. ballot paper. voting paper.
ballot box.
ballot box. ballot / voting box.
edged with Oya.
story teller. short-story writer.
voting. show of hands. vote. ballot.
poll. polling. voting.
putting sth to a vote. voting. poll. polling.
to ballot for. to put to the vote.
to put sth to a vote.
to be put to a vote.
just so. just in that way.
and thus.
such a person. such a thing. sb like that.
slight. such.
so. such. that. excessively.
ever so much.
saw toothed. zigzag. marked by prominences and indentations.
volatility. frivolity.
allowing to be played. showing. going off one's rocker. waggle. wiggle.
to be allowed to be played. to be allowed to be shown.
dally with.
lover. lovemate. paramour.
caper. frisk. pet. to play with one another. to carry on. to have it off.
to play with one another. to carry on a love affair.
yet. however. but. whereas. while. whilst.
whereas. yet. however.
whereas. however. yet. but. hand-washing bond. wheras.
play area. playground.
card table.
gaming table.
stamping ground.
person who at the last minute refuses to do sth he has agreed to do. spoilsport. killjoy.
trickery. deceitfulness.
toy maker. toy seller. toymen. toyman.
being a maker or seller of toys. the toy business.
to make into a play.
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