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A mineral consisting, like quartz, of silica, but inferior to quartz in hardness and specific gravity. a translucent mineral consisting of hydrated silica of variable color; some varieties are used as gemstones.
Opals are semi-precious stones that are luminous and iridescent, frequently with inclusions of many colors Opal is a mineral composed of noncrystalline silica and is a species of quartz There are three major types of opals: common opal, opalescent precious opal , and fire opal Contra luz opals are transparent opals that show a brilliant play of iridescence only when light shines through the stone Many opals have a high water content - they can dry out and crack if they are not cared for well Opals have a hardness of 5 5 to 6 5 and a specific gravity of 1 98-2 50 Opals are found in many placees worldwide, but Australia has a tremendous variety of beautiful opals.
An amorphous form of quartz unstable at temperatures and pressures found on the surface of the earth. is a precipitated non-crystalline variety of silica, precious varieties of which characteristically display a marked variety of changing colours and are used as gemstones, especially when cut and polished.
An amorphous hydrous silica which is common; gem varieties such as fire opal, have the ability to show colors in their interior and are very valuable.
An amorphous form of silica.
White, gray and Black The white opal is well known and stones can display faint flashes of colour to a bright kaleidoscope of a single colour to many The gray or black based are more rare and more expensive and as colour display increases so does the price.
Windows NT server available for faculty and staff who wish to publish FrontPage extensions.
Overseas Pharmaceutical Aid for Life.
Precious stone used in jewelry crafts Colors range from white to mixtures that include black. a translucent mineral consisting of hydrated silica of variable color; some varieties are used as gemstones.
opera. grand opera.
impresario. opera. operatic.
A drama, either tragic or comic, of which music forms an essential part; a drama wholly or mostly sung, consisting of recitative, arials, choruses, duets, trios, etc., with orchestral accompaniment, preludes, and interludes, together with appropriate costumes, scenery, and action; a lyric drama.
The score of a musical drama, either written or in print; a play set to music.
The house where operas are exhibited. theater where opera is performed a drama set to music; consists of singing with orchestral accompaniment and an orchestral overture and interludes.
opera. opera house. libretto.
a drama set to music; consists of singing with orchestral accompaniment and an orchestral overture and interludes. theater where opera is performed.
A musical play, usually entirely sung, making use of costumes, staging, props, sets, and dramatic elements Operas usually consist of two types of musical elements, the aria, which primarily expresses a single idea or theme, and the recitative which advances the story.
A dramatic work in which the characters sing, rather than speak, the text, and in which music links themes, story and characters Originated in 17th-century Italy. a dramatic performance presented through music in which all or most of the characters sing the story line.
A form of music in which an orcherstra plays and singers sing Operas have a plot and are meant to tell a story Some are funny, some are tragic Essentially, they are stories put to music There is very little, if any, spoken text in an opera.
A multi-media extravagance in which the drama renders the music formless, and the music renders the drama unintelligible In other words, the music and drama mutually annihilate each other, leaving a noisy and over-long visual spectacle Extremely absorbent of funds that could and should be spent on music. a drama set to music and made up of vocal pieces with orchestral accompaniment.
A dramatic work in one or more acts, set to music for singers and instrumentalists.
There is an analogy I made in the Chinese dictornay with the Chinese opera, will if you don't know Chinese, it probably would be difficult to undertand the analogy Anyhow, opera is just like a theatre show, the only difference is that it's based on music Backgroud accompany music is made by orchestra and actors and actress sing their lines instead of say them There would also be choir to since the other parts, in the opera, they actually have a big part The three tenor are the best exmaple to be an opera main actors Fanous ones are: 'Carmon' and 'Princes Torando'. 1 A drama set to music for voices and orchestra presented with costumes and sets.
A dramatic stage production that involves soloists who sing arias and recitatives, solo ensembles, choruses, dancing, dramatic action, costumes, staging, and orchestral accompaniment It began at the beginning of the baroque era and evolved into a genre that continues in popularity throughout the Western world, particularly in Italy. a classic French pastry made of very thin layers of coffee-soaked almond sponge cake, chocolate ganache and coffee buttercream, glazed with chocolate and sometimes decorated with gold leaves. a drama which is primarily sung with instrumental accompaniment.
Drama that is sung.
Acronym for Observatoire Permanent de l'Atlantique Tropical.
Pearl necklace that is 28-32 inches in length.
One of the important music drama genres, usually featuring a full orchestra, several soloists, and sometimes a chorus More often than is the case with musical theater, operas have virtually continuous singing, no spoken dialog.
This is the generic term for musical dramatic works in which the actors sing some or all their parts.
operator. surgeon. operating surgeon. attendant. operative.
surgeon. operator. saw bones.
opportunist. temporizer. timepleaser. timeserver.
optics. optical.
optical. optics. visual.
optimum. optimal.
most favorable condition or greatest degree or amount possible under given circumstances most desirable possible under a restriction expressed or implied; 'an optimum return on capital'; 'optimal concentration of a drug'.
A state that is the best fit for the current situation, the top of the local fitness landscape All minor changes make the solution worst.
The level of an abiotic factor or condition in the environment within the tolerance range at which a species or population can function most efficiently or with the greatest positive effect to its physiological or reproductive fitness.
The 'optimum' attitude mode for the Microlab-1 spacecraft refers to the periods of time when the plane of its orbit is face-on to the sun This is optimum with regard to power, since the solar panels can continuously face the sun It's not optimal with respect to the GPS/MET experiment, however, since the spacecraft must face the sun, and the instrument works best when facing in the direction opposite it's velocity. Minimum or maximum.
optimal , optimum.
A work; specif. , a musical composition.
a musical work that has been created; 'the composition is written in four movements'. 'Work' With a number, used to show the order in which the works by a given composer were written or published Opus numbers are most often used for composers who catalogued their own works. 'Work'; opus numbers provide a means of cataloguing a composer's compositions. Composers' works are generally catalogued by opus numbers, in the order in which they were written Usually abbreviated as op. , Op - The term, meaning work, is used by composers to show the chronological order of their works, e g Op 1, Op 2.
Latin for 'work,' these numbers list, in date order, when a work was composed or published. , Op: 'Work' With a number, used to show the order in which the works by a given composer were written or published Opus numbers are most often used for composers who catalogued their own works e g Op 1, Op 2.
System proposed by CISL in 1986 to follow on after Multics Eventually canceled by Bull Officially known as NOS/VS3 or HVS release 3 This group was managed by Michael Tague. 'work ' An opus number indicates the chronological order in which a piece was composed or published. a single work or composition.
HP/Linux Cluster.
Lat Work; labor; the product of work or labor.
Caementicium - concrete.
Open Architecture Purse System.
Operations Pipeline Unified System.
Acronym for Organization of Persistent Upwelling Structures, a program taking place in 1983 that studied the inner part of a filament near Point Conception, California See Atkinson et al.
This represents a single-composer publication, not necessarily the chronological order.
A work, composition; commonly used to denote the number of a published work.
kiss. caress. osculate.
caress. kiss.
to kiss.
opera comique.
operational. operation.
operation. surgical operation.
option. optation.
optical reader.
Best or most favorable.
Pertaining to a trajectory, path, or control motion, one that minimizes or maximizes some quantity or combination of quantities such as fuel, time, energy, distance, heat transfer, etc This optimum condition, or path, is commonly calculated by a type of mathematics known as calculus of variations. Most favorable or desireable.
That mechanism which results in the greatest net gain for the designated economic agent The seller's net gain might be defined in terms of the speed with which the good is sold or the total price received. the algorithm that produces the best results The optimal algorithm might not be achievable, but stating the results gives a bound for all other algorithms and measures their quality. most desirable possible under a restriction expressed or implied; 'an optimum return on capital'; 'optimal concentration of a drug'.
optimal , optimum.
One who holds the opinion that all events are ordered for the best.
One who looks on the bright side of things, or takes hopeful views; opposed to pessimist. a person disposed to take a favorable view of things.
1 One who puts his shoes on when a speaker says, 'Now in conclusion ' 2 He goes into a restaurant without any money, expecting to pay for the meal with the pearl he'll find in an oyster 3 Someone who sets aside two hours to do his income tax return 4 A person who starts taking bath if he accidentally falls into a river 5 A person who while falling from Eiffel tower says in midway 'See I am not injured yet '.
A person who while falling from Eiffel tower says in midway 'See, I am not injured yet '.
A person who starts taking bath if he accidentally falls into a river.
A person who while falling from Eiffel tower says in midway 'See I am not injured yet '.
Someone who sets aside 2 hours to do his income tax return.
A person who starts taking a bath if he accidentally falls into a river. a person disposed to take a favorable view of things.
to let sb kiss oneself or sb else. to have sb kiss sb. to have sb kissed.
kiss. smack. snog.
to be kissed.
kissing one another.
to kiss.
to kiss one another.
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