İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte arama yapmak için ise tıklayabilirsiniz.
jan. january. stove. oven. fireplace. cooker. fire. furnace. range. grate. hearth. seedbed.
cooker. fender. fireplace. furnace. hearth. kiln. stove. oven. stone quarry. minejanuary. january.
cookstone. range. kiln. blast furnace. forge. quarry. mine. den. meeting place. association. society. organization. family. household. oven. crucible. cookhouse. incinerator. pit. chimney. chimey casing. retort. uptake. hole. coal pit. coal mine. residenc.
revenge. nemesis. requital. retaliation. retribution. vengeance.
revenge. vengeance.
bogy man. bogy. bugaboo. bugbear. golliwog. hob.
bogey. ogre. bogy. bogeyman.
stoker. chimney sweep. man in charge of making coffee and tea in a coffee-house.
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