İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte arama yapmak için ise tıklayabilirsiniz.
stain. spot. blemish. smirch. shame. attaint. blob. blot. blotch. blur. cloud. discoloration. discolouration. fleck. mackle. macula. maculation. mottle. slur. smear. soil. splodge. splotch. stigma. taint. tarnish.
blot. discredit. dishonour. mark. reproach. shame. smear. smirch. soil. speckle. splash. spot. stain. taint. blemish.
spot. blemish. blot. stain. fleck. birthmark. stain or blot on one's character or reputation. blur. defect. dishonour. freckle. mackle. patch. reproach. smear. smirch. soil. splotch. taint.
to stain. to soil. to sully. to besmirch. to blacken the name of.
to be stained or soiled. to be sullied / besmirched.
stained. spotty. spotted. blotchy. clouded. dappled. mackled. maculated. smeary. smudgy. splashy. splotchy. stigmatic. tainted.
spotted. spotty. stained. dishonoured.
spotted. stained. whose name has been besmirched. with a bad reputation.
clear. immaculate. spotless. stainless. blameless.
immaculate. spotless. with an unsullied reputation.
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