İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte arama yapmak için ise tıklayabilirsiniz.
distinguishable. perceptible. visible.
discernible. noticeable. plan to view. viewable. visual.
extraordinary. freak. unprecedented. unusual. singular.
never seen before. curious.
patent. apparent.
visible. apparent.
appearing. advent. manifestation.
appear. come in sight. seem. show up. come into view. come in view. make one's appearance. put in an appearance. approve oneself. break through. come. come along. come out. haunt. look. present oneself. report. rise. show.
appear. come in sight. seem. show up. come into view. come in view. make one's appearance. put in an appearance. approve oneself. break through. come. come along. come out. haunt. look. present oneself. report. rise. show. arise. reappear.
appear. to show oneself to. to appear. to come in sight. to be visible. to be seen. come into sight / view. look. seem. show. show one's face. to come through.
invisible. out-of-sight.
blind. invisible. unforeseen.
invisible. not apparent. unforeseen.
display. image. picture. sight. view. display. outlook. semblance. spectacle.
image. look. picture. spectre. phantom. frame. vision. spector.
image. video. picture. phantom. specter. apparition. mirror image. presence. tableau.
appearance. view. complexion. outlook. aspect. perspective. prospect. sight. vista.
appearance. outlook. scene. scenery. sight. spectacle. view. aspect.
outlook. view. appearance. facet. landscape. ostensible. prospect. semblance. vista.
visible. apparent.
visible. observable.
in appearance. in sight.
appearance. sight. outlook. aspect. semblance. epiphany. face. facet. look. mien. spectacle.
appearance. aspect. exterior. face. form. look. mien. presence. prospect. semblance. show. sight. view. spactacle. external. spectacle. external view.
appearance. aspect. sight. spectacle. external view. cast. complexion. configuration. face. hue. look. mien. outlook. phantom. show.
ostensible. outwardly. seeming. apparently. as far as can be seen. seemingly.
apparent. apparently. as far as can be seen. judging by appearances. on the face of it. outward. seemingly. visually.
visual. optic. optical. idea. sentiments. opinion. sight. view. concept. apprehension. argument. aspect. case. conviction. estimation. eye. feeling. genius. horizon. interest. notion. outlook. position. thought. vision.
assess. attitude. conception. contention. error. eye. idea. judgment. observation. remark. sight. slant. standpoint. thinking. thought. view.
point of view. vision. sight. act or manner of seeing. opinion standpoint. concept. conception. contention. judicium. thought. visibility. opinion.
point of view.
interview. have a talk with. meet. talk. discuss. negotiate. approach. argue. canvass. confer. consult. contact. parley. powwow. reason. see. get into touch. keep in touch.
confer. contact. debate. discuss. interview. meet. negotiate. reach. reason.
to meet. to converse. to have an interview. to visit each other. to see each other. to discuss. to talk over. to speak. to debate. to consult. to confer. to call. to negotiate. to reason. to contact. to handle. powwow. see. talk.
woman sent to find a prospective bride. woman sent to see a marriageable girl.
woman sent to see a prospective bride. match-maker.
to be seen.
to show oneself. appear. to seem. husband's sister. wife's sister-in-law.
husband's sister. sister-in-law of the wife.
totally unexpected accident.
visualization. scanning.
view. projection.
to display.
point of view.
slant. viewpoint.
viewpoint. point of view. angle of vision.
accord of viewpoints. agreement.
to arrange a meeting.
to bring about a meeting between (one person and another.
to be brought together (for a meeting , discussion , interview.
to be discussed. to be talked over.
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