İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte arama yapmak için ise tıklayabilirsiniz.
perpendicular. upright. vertical. straight. steep. bluff. upstanding. erect. horny. abrupt. arduous. bold. jagged. precipitous. rapid. scarped. sheer. square. stand-up. stiff. up. uprightly.
erect. perpendicular. precipitous. steep. upright. vertical. straight. rapid. precepitous. intent. fixed. penetrating. right.
abrupt. perpendicular. right. steep. stiff. upright. straight. obstinate. vertical. erect. normal. plumb. high. aplomb. orthogonal. standing. square. uphill. sheer. rigid. starched. scrap. on end. precipitous. stand up.
conceited. obstinate. intractable. opinionated. stiff necked.
fix with. glare. glower.
obstinate. pigheaded. bul headed. headstrong.
rectangle. oblong.
oblong. rectangle.
rectangular. rectangle.
thorn. spine. thorny plant. thornbush. briar. brier. barb. prick. pricker. prickle. spicule. trichome.
prick. prickle. spine. thorn.
spine. thorn. thornbush. erector. prick. prickle. sticker.
thorny. prickly. spiky. barbed. brambly. spined. spinose. spinous. spiny. thistly.
prickly. thorny.
prickly. thorny. barbed. spiny.
without thorns. spineless.
without torn.
perpendicular. orthogonal. apeak. normal. plumb. sheer. upright. vertical.
orthogonal. perpendicular. upright. vertical. vertical amudi.
perpendicular. vertical. upright.
jobbing tailor. sewer.
sewed. stitched. planted.
stand up. stand. stand on. stand upon. stick up. be planted. be sewn.
to be planted. to be erected. to be set up. to be sewn. to stand. to become erect. to be fixed on.
to be planted. to be set vertically. cock. plant oneself. stand.
peep. peek.
peeping. peeking. peek. peep.
sewing. stitch. seam. needlework.
seam. sewing. stitch. stitching. suture.
seam. sewing. stich. suture. whipping. needlework.
sew. stitch.
to sew. stich.
sewed. stitched. sutured.
sewed. stitched. sutured. seamy.
attention. attentiveness. carefulness. care. cautiousness. watchfulness. application. caution. note. notice. regard. remark.
attention. care. caution. consideration. count. diligence. fetish. heed. mind. notice. regard. solicitude. carefulness. assiduity. look out!. watch out!. be careful!. attention!.
attention. accuracy. aida. application. care. take care!. ear. fidelity. heed. note. notice. precision. rigour. vigilance.
beware. heed. look. mind. note. observe. watch.
to take care. to be careful. to pay attention. attend. beware. guard. heed. look out for sth. mark. mind. note. notice. observe. reck. regard. to watch one's step. trouble. to be wary of. watch.
to read between the lines. to peruse.
careful. attentive. heedful. watchful. gingerly. regardful. mindful. thoughtful. argus-eyed. assiduous. canny. cautious. circumspect. intense. intent. particular. rigorous. scrupulous. sleepless. solicitous. studious. wary.
alert. attentive. careful. cautious. chary. circumspect. conservative. deliberate. diligent. diplomatic. exact. intent. meticulous. minute. painstaking. punctilious. rigorous. scrupulous. sedulous. strict. studious. watchful. assiduous. regardful. close.
attentive. careful. painstaking. mindful. argus eyed.
careless. inattentive. heedless. unaware. freewheeling. inadvertent. incurious. lax. listless. mindless. regardless. remiss. slipshod. unheedful. unheeding. unobservant. unregardful. unseeing. unwary.
blind. careless. feckless. inadvertent. inattentive. lax. mindless. negligent. remiss. scatty. slack. slipshod. thoughtless. unguarded. unthinking. heedless.
careless. inattentive.
carelessness. want of care. inattentiveness. inattention. oversight. inadvertence. inadvertency. inobservance. negligence. oscitation. recklessness.
inattention. negligence. oblivion. oversight. carelessness.
carelessness. inattentiveness.
erectness. perpendicularity. steepness. escarpment. obstinacy. abruptness. rigidity.
planting. plant. sewing. erection. erecting. fixing. pillar.
erection. perpendicular.
strut. perpendicular. pale. post. prop. upright. poppet. pillar. stilt. mollion. vertical member. corner post. normal. jamp. fixing. mounting. stud. tree. mast. derrick. erecting. erection. pitching. stave. planting. sewing. tailoring. stitching. seaming.
sew. sew up. stitch up. needle. tailor. seam. plant. erect. fix. cock. construct. crop. engraft. ingraft. perk. perk up. prick up. raise. rear. seam together. seam up. set. set out. set up. sow. put stitches in. upend.
cock. erect. plant. post. raise. rear. seam. sew. station. stitch. upend. to sew. to stitch. to plant. to set up. to erect. to raise. to stare. to prick up. to cock. to drink off. to drain. to down.
to set up. to erect. to plant. to drink in one swing. to station. to build. to put up. to set down for play. to sew. to tailor. to seam. to quilt. to upend. to construct. to raise. to fix. to mount. to root. to set. to step. to pin. cock. f.
dictator. autocrat. warlord. big brother. caesar. fuhrer. strong man.
dictator. big brother.
to dictate. entail upon sb.
right angle.
awkward. bullheaded. headstrong. refractory.
barbed wire.
barbed wire. basket wire. wire entanglement.
obelisk. stele.
hard on.
planting. sewing.
sewing. planting.
rear-view mirror. driving mirror. rearview window. rear view mirror.
peeper. peeping tom.
peek. peeping.
peek. peep.
sewing needle.
sewing machine.
seamless. without stitches. loose- leaf.
opinionated. recalcitrant.
grim determination.
to stand erect. to become steep. to be obdurate. to get stubborn.
to become steep. to get stubborn. to be defiant. to challange.
to erect. to harden. to make sth steep. steepen.
diction. elocution.
diction. intonation.
supporter of a dictatorial regime.
dictatorship. rule of force.
dictation. dictate.
to have sth sewn / planted / erected.
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