İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte arama yapmak için ise tıklayabilirsiniz.
diameter. calibre. caliber.
calibre. diameter. scale. bore. size. quality. worth değer.
calibre. diameter. caliber. size. scale. stature. quality. worth. gauge. magnitude. thickness. layout. cadaster cadastre. cadastral extract. plat.
hoe. grubber. spud. anchor. drift anchor. pecker.
anchor. hoe. mattock.
hoe. palmed anchor. anchor sign.
untidy. slovenly. disordered.
bream. crust round the eyes. burr. gum.
viscous crust round the eyes. burr.
gum. dried mucus. crust. burr.
rheumy. crusty.
to hoe.
vagabond. dissolute. rakish. flirtatious. lecherous. lewd. licentious. profligate. roguish. vagabond. rascal. debauchee. rake. amorist. chaser. flirt. libertine. lothario. profligate. rip. rogue. varlet. villain. wolf. womanizer.
arch. wolf. womanizer. woman-chaser. casanova. philanderer. lecher. rake. coquettish. sensual. lecherous.
womanizer. dangler. graceless. libertine. licentious. lubricious. scallywag scalawag.
profligacy. debauchery. rascality. dissipation. dissoluteness. lechery. libertinage. libertinism. licentiousness. roguery. vice.
debauchery. dissipation. profligacy.
crosswise. traverse. transversal. diagonal. crisscross. bias. cross. decussate. groined. lattice. thwart. transverse. crosswise. crossways. cornerwise. cornerways. across. slantwise. slantways. cross.
across. cross. diagonal. crosswise. transversal. diagonally. transversely.
bias. crosswise. transverse. hypotenuse. diagonal line. crossband. crosspiece. sideling. cross arm. wrest. cleat. crosshead. grimmal. saw set. cross hair. across. on the bias. crisscross. cross wise. traverse.
across. transverse. crosswise. diagonally. transversely. crossbreeding.
crosswise. diagonally. across. athwart.
to cross obliquely. cross. interplace.
confused. complicated. abstruse. complicate complicated. dark. devious. hazy. involved. prickly.
haze. involution.
loot. sack. booty. plunder. the sack.
looting. booty. foray. loot. spoil. spoiled spoilt goods. spoliation. swag.
looter. marauding. raider. pillager.
looter. pillager. marauder.
pillage. looting. plunder. rapine.
wide bored.
cross fire.
cross rate. cross-rate. cross exchange rate.
on the cross.
to become involved and confused.
set gauge.
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